


6月30日(木) 2005
天気は雨、気温27度。私は渋谷に向かって運転していた。信号が青から赤に変わる。私は信号の前で止まった。そのとき眼鏡の中年の男が走って私のところに来る。私はドアを開けた。彼は乗り込む。彼、「新宿駅まで行ってください」。息を切らしている。私、「わかりました」。ミラーで彼の顔を見た。雨で彼の眼鏡は曇っている。数分後、彼は落ち着いてくる。私は再びちらっと彼を見た。彼はまだ眼鏡をふいていない。ガラスが真っ白な眼鏡・・・彼はおとなしく後ろにいる・・・彼はなんか不気味である。私は50歳ぐらいの太った女を乗せた。彼女はラフな格好である。彼女、「全く嫌な雨だわね!」。私、「そうですね」。そしてミラーでちらっと彼女を見た。彼女の眉毛はとてもとても短い・・・お多福にそっくりである。思う。彼女の化粧は日曜日だ。恥ずかしくないのだろうか?そのとき指を差して彼女が言う。「スイマセン、そこのバス停で降ります」。私はバス停に止まる。そこには美容院があった。彼女は降りると美容院に入っていった。思う。美容院では眉毛を描いてくれるのだろうか・・・? 売り上げ50,000円。  

June 30th (Thu) 2005
The weather was rainy and the temperature was 27 degrees ℃. I was driving towards Shibuya. The traffic signal was changing from green to red light. I stopped in front of the signal then a middle age man with glasses was rushing and coming to me. I opened the door and he got in the car. He said, “Please go to Shinjyuku sta.” He was out of breath. I said, “Ok.” and had a glimpse his face on the mirror. His glasses were clouded by the rain. A few minutes later, I glimpse had another of him again. He hadn’t wipe his glasses yet. The glasses were white mirrors. He was reclining back silently. He was somehow weird. I picked up a fat woman who was about 50 years old. She was casually dressed. She said, “This is really a bad rain.” I said, “Yes.” and looked at her on the mirror. Her eyebrows were very, very short. Her face looked like the moon. I thought that her makeup was for Sunday. Then she said pointing ahead, “Excuse me. I will get off at that bus stop.” I stopped at the bus stop. At that place, there was a beauty salon. She got off and went into the salon. I thought would you draw eyebrows in the salon? I made 50,000 yen.




