


12月25日(土) 2004 
おめでとう! クリスマスだ。もしクリスマスケーキを買うなら今日の夕方がお勧めだ。
それは半額になる。天気、晴れ。気温11度。私は昼の後、男二人乗せる。老人と40歳ぐらいの男。彼らはきっと親子である。突然、老人は笑うと息子に言う。「顔よりも心で運転する人・・・変だ・・」。彼の目は弱っている。息子は「顔じゃないよ、腕、腕」。そのフレーズは会社のモットーである。そのステッカーはセーフティーボードに貼ってある。 老人は「何!腕・・腕・・そっか、わかった」。老人はその後きょとんと静かに座っていた。 私たちは彼らの目的地に着いた。彼らは車から降りるとき老人は「あなたは心で運転する・・・」。息子は「いいよ!いいから、急いで、早く!スイマセン」。これが私のクリスマス・・・。売り上げ42,000円。

December 25th (Sat) 2004
Congratulation! Today was the Christmas Day. This evening, if you will buy Christmas cake it is best because that prices maybe half price. The weather was fine and the temperature was 11 degrees ℃. I picked up two men after lunch; one man was old and other man was about 40 years old. Maybe they were parent and child. Suddenly, the old man laughing, whispered to his son what he has mistakenly read on a sticker in my car, “I work rather by face than by heart. I am kidding.” His vision became blurred. His son said, “It is a mistake, it is motor skills.” That phrase is the motto of my company, it is a sticker stuck on the safety board. The old man said, “What! … motor skill … arm …Okay. I understand.” After that exchange he remained utterly silent. We arrived at their destination and they pot off then the old man said, “Do you work by your heart? “… His son said, “Excuse me. Don’t say that! Get off now!” This was my Christmas Day. I made 42,000 yen.








