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【第43回】 |
12月2日(木) 2004 天気、晴れ。気温16度。もう12月だ。私には冬は感じられない。夕方、私は目黒で若い女二人を乗せた。彼女たちはミニスカートにロングブーツである。私はそのスタイルが好きだ!一人が言う。「六本木ヒルズまでお願いします」。私たちはそこに着いた。たくさん電球がついた木がたくさん輝いている・・それらは青い光だ・・一人が「キレイだわ〜〜」。もう一人が応える。「ホント、きれいだね〜」。そして一人が「スイマセン、ここで降りま〜す」。彼女らは車から降りた・・私はその後ろ姿を見る。“すばらしい!” 東京の街はイルミネーションで飾られる・・それらは木に悪影響はないのだろうか?サンタはいない・・それは夢だ・・。売り上げ31,000円。それは悪夢だ・・。 December 2nd (Thu) 2004 The weather was fine and the temperature was 15 degrees ℃. It is December already. As for me, I don’t feel the winter. In the evening, I picked up two young women in Meguro. They were wearing long boots and miniskirts. I like that style. One woman said, “Please go to Roppongi Hills.” We arrived there. Many electric bulbs attached to the trees were chining in blue light. One woman said, “I is wonderful.” The other woman repeated, “Yes! Beautiful!” One woman said, “Excuse me we will get off here.” They got off the car and I looked at their backs, they were fantastic. Tokyo was decorated with illumination. … Don’t the lights have a bad effect on the trees? There is no Santa. It is a dream. I made 31,000 yen. This is also a bad dream. |