


11月30日(火) 2004 

November 30th (Thu) 2004
The weather was fine and the temperature was 15 degrees ℃. In the evening, I was in at Aoyama 2. There was a great Christmas tree. It was about 30 meters height; and shining, blinking and beautiful. In a town, many trees were decorated here and there. It seems that thy grow lager every year. I remembered when I was boy. I wanted a Christmas gift; I put socks beside my pillow that night. Next morning, I wake up and looked at the socks. I was shocked, it was flat. I extended it and looked at inside. Only 500 yen bill came out. I said to my parents, “The Santa gave me the money.” I was greatly disappointed. It is recollections of my Christmas. The 500 yen bill is not used any longer. Then I finished smoke and started to my work again. I made 39,000 yen.






