


10月16日(土) 2004 
天気、曇り。気温16度。私は寒い! 午前中、私は渋谷で男を乗せる。彼は大橋まで行く。料金740円。彼は1,000円札を出して言う。「スイマセン、レシートだけください」。 私、「はい」。この場合、私はレシートとお釣りを一緒に渡すのを忘れない。なぜなら、私がタクシーをやり始めの頃、試した。客は同じ台詞を言った。私は本当にレシートだけ渡した・・すると客は怒った声で言う。「まだ、お釣り貰ってないけど!」。なんてこった! 私は「すいません!ごめんなさい」。日本語はとても難しい。そう! 私は日本人、青森県出身だ! 夕方、ご飯の後、サラリーマンを乗せる。彼は東で降りる。料金820円。彼は1,000円札を出して言う。「レシートだけください」。オッケー! 私はレシートとお釣りを出した。すると彼は「ありがとう、おっ! いいの、いいの、お釣りはいいから」。私、「えっ! スイマセン、ありがとうございます」。私は日本語を理解できない・・それでも私は日本人だ。売り上げ40,000円。

October 16th (Sat) 2004
The weather was cloudy and the temperature was 16 degrees ℃. I felt cold. In the morning, I picked up a man in Shibuya and he went to Ohashi, the fare was 740 yen. He paid with a 1,000 yen bill and said, “Please give me the receipt only.” I said, “Yes.” I didn’t forget, that I handed him the receipt and change together. Because I have learned to remember that details since I was a beginner taxi driver. I picked up another client and he said, “Give me the receipt only.” I handed the client only the receipt. And the client said in an angry voice, “I have not got my change yet!” Oh my god! I said, “Excuse me. I’m sorry.” Japanese is very difficult. Yes! I am Japanese. I am from Aomori-ken. In the evening, I picked up a salary man after eating dinner. He got off in Higashi, and the fare was 820 yen, he paid with a 1,000 yen bill and said, “Give me the receipt only.” Ok!? I handed him the receipt and his change, then he said again, “Oh! Okay. You keep the change.” I said, “Oh! Excuse me. Thank you very much.” I can not understand Japanese mind. Even though, I am Japanese. I made 40,000 yen.






