


9月13日(月) 2003 
5時40分起床。私は朝飯をとらなかった。今日の午前中に健康診断を受けるのだ。天気、曇りのち晴れ。早朝、私は綾瀬駅の客待ちタクシーの列に並ぶ。たくさんの人々が駅に吸い込まれていく。多くの女子学生もまた駅に入っていく。私は女子学生達を見た。制服姿である。スカートがとても短い・・・素晴らしい・・生足・・大好きだ!何時から制服のスカートは短くなったのだろう・・思い出す。私が学生の頃、制服のスカートは長かった。 いずれにしても、私はミニスカートが大好きである。午前10時、私は柳橋病院に行く。健康診断を受けた。たくさんの患者が待合室にいる。私も仲間になって呼ばれるのを待つ。 私はこの陰気な空気が嫌いである。夕方、仕事は暇だ。暇つぶしに夕食にする。“ひつまぶし”??いま、私はそれを知った。それはうなぎの蒲焼が入ったお茶漬けである。それを食べた。とてもおいしい。“ひつまぶし”と“暇つぶし”よく似た名前だ・・“暇つぶし”・・何か関係があるのだろうか?まさに今、暇つぶししている。売り上げ30,000円。なんてこった!

September 13th (Mon) 2004
I wake up at 5:40AM. I didn’t eat my breakfast because I wanted to go to the doctor for a check up this morning. The weather was cloudy and after it was fine. Early morning, I was waiting at a taxi queue near the Ayase sta. A lot of people went into the sta., and again many school girls went into it. They were in school uniforms; the skirts were very short. I like them and they were very wonderful. When, did the skirts got short? I remembered I was a student; school uniform’s skirts were long. Anyhow, I like mini skirts very much. I went to Yanagibashi Hospital at 10:00AM., and had a medical examination. Many patients were in the waiting room and I joined them. I didn’t like the gloomy atmosphere. In the evening, my business was slow. I ate dinner to kill time. Do you know, “Hitsumabushi”? I got to know it now. This is eels boiled in Chazuke. I ate it and the taste was very good. The name “Hitsumabushi” is very similar to “Himatsubushi”. “Himatusbushi” means killing time. Some how “Hitusmabushi” and “Himatusbushi” are related? At that moment I was killing time. I made 30,000 yen. Oh my god!






