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【第32回】 |
8月4日 (水) 2004 真夏日! 気温34度。 うだるような暑さだ! 午後、私は代々木公園のトイレに行った。子供達がアイスを食べて歩いている。彼らの数歩後ろを両親が歩いている。今、子供達は夏休みである。それは和やかな一場面である。私には夏休みなどない・・それにしても暑い!・・誰か! 私にビールをくれ! 私は車に戻ってペットボトルのお茶を飲んだ・・まずい! それは温かった。日中、仕事をこなす。夕方、再び代々木公園のトイレに行く。広場に4才ぐらいの娘を連れたお母さんがいた。娘はソフトクリームを食べている。そこに男が犬を連れて散歩。近くを通る。娘は犬を見たとたん怯えて走る。「ママ! 犬!」。彼女のソフトクリームは地面に落ちた。「あ!」。彼女はそこに固まると大声で泣き始めた・・お母さんが来て言う。「大丈夫? 新しいアイス買ってあげるからね。わかった?」。それもまた幸せな一場面である。私は思う。“私にも・・ビールを買って欲しい、ビールをくれ!” 今日の売り上げ42,000円。私は泣き出す女の子の顔を思い出すことができる。それはかわいい・・・。 August 4th (Wed) 2004 A midsummer day! The temperature was 34 degrees ℃. It felt boiling hot. In the afternoon, I went to Yoyogi Park’s toilet. Children were walking while eating ice-candy. Their parents were several steps behind them. Now, children are on summer vacation. That scene was a happy one. I don’t have a summer vacation. I felt very hot. Everybody! Give me beer! I returned to my car and drank a bottle of tea. That tasted no good, it was lukewarm. During the day time, I picked up many clients. In the evening, I went to Yoyogi Park’s toilet again. A woman and her daughter who was about 4 years old were in the square. The daughter was eating a soft-cream. Then a man with a dog was passing near them. The daughter looked at the dog, and dashed several steps in fear, “Mom! Dog!” then she dropped the soft-cream on the ground. “A!” She stopped and began to cry in a loud voice. The dog looked at her in surprise. Her mother came to her and said, “Are you all right? I will buy a new soft-cream for you. Right!?” That scene was a happy one too. I thought that I want you to buy beer for me. Give me beer! I made 42,000 yen. I can remember the face of the daughter who began to cry. It was lovely. |