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【第23回】 |
7月13日 (火) 2004 快晴、気温36度、気象庁は今日梅雨明け宣言をした。とても蒸し暑い! 私は日中たくさんのお客を乗せた、うだるような暑さのせいで、いつもよりも忙しい。 夕方、渋谷にあるラーメン屋「古武士」に行く、つけ麺を食べる、とてもおいしい。 店の主人が言う「今日は熱い麺が全く出ないね・・」私は「本当!外暑いからしょうがない、このつけ麺ほんとにうまいね! 大丈夫だよ。」 私は車に戻るとタバコに火をつけた、すると男が窓をノックする。 ありゃ! 思う、私には少し休憩が必要なのだよ! しかし私はすばやくタバコを消してドアを開けた。 彼は後ろに乗り込んだ、私は聞く「どちらまでまいりますか?」彼は「渋谷駅まで!」思う“歩け!駅は約300メーター先だ!”しかし笑顔で「わかりました」再び彼は言う「あっついね!早く冬にならないかね」私は思う・・同感だ・・いや、まだだ!・・まだビーチでビキニを見ていない。 料金660円。 私はさっきのシケモクに火をつけた・・まずい! 売り上げ49,000円。 GOOD! July 13th (Tue) 2004 The weather was very fine and the temperature was 36 degrees ℃. The weather forecast said the end of the rainy season was today. It felt very, very muggy. I picked up many clients during the day time. I was busier than usual due to the boiling hot weather. At evening, went to Kobushi a noodle shop in Shibuya. I ate Tsuke-Men that tasted very good. The shop’s owner said, “Hot noodles have bad sales today.” I said, “Really. It is unavoidable, outside is hot. This Tsuke-Men is delicious, OK!” I returned to my car and lit a cigarette then, a man knocked the window. Oh! I thought that I need a little rest. But I extinguished and opened the door quickly. He got in the back seat. I said, “Where do you want to go?” He said, “Shibuya sta.” I thought “Let’s walk! There is about 300 meters ahead.” And I said smiling, “Okay.” He said again, “It is very hot. I want winter to come earlier.” I thought I agree with you. … No! I haven’t seen the bikinis at the beach yet. That fare was 660 yen. I lit the remaining cigarette butt again. … Not good! I made 49,000 yen. Good! |