


7月8日 (木) 2004 
気温35度。暑い!! 昨日は七夕である。私は宝くじが当たるように祈った。もし当たったら、私はタクシーに乗って日本一周旅行をしてやる。そして毎日釣りに行く。そして・・そして・・家を建てる・・新車を・・私の妄想はどんどん広がる・・。それにしても、うだるように暑い。 午後、四谷で私はでかくて太った男を二人乗せた。彼らはひどく汗をかいている。後ろの席は二人で一杯になる。二人は見たからに暑苦しい。二人はバッグからペットボトルの水を取り出すと、話しながら競うように飲む。「暑いな!」「本当暑い」。一人の男が私に言う。「エアコン最高にしてもらえます?」。私、「はい、これでも最高なのですが・・」。男、「本当?効きが弱いね!」。私、「スイマセン」。思う。彼らは太りすぎである。少し運動したほうが良い・・・私もだ・・。タクシー運転手は思ったことを言わない。彼らは新宿で降りる。料金740円。私はドアをしめた。あっ! 気付く。空のペットボトルが2本シートの上にある。「くそったれ!」私の頭はオーバーヒートする。「ゴミだ!」。今日の売り上げ、46,000円。 おやすみ・・!

July 8th (Thu) 2004
The temperature was 35 degrees ℃, it felt very hot. It was the festival of Beggars yesterday. I prayed that I would win the first prize in the public lottery. If I win it, I am going to travel around Japan by taxi. And I will go fishing every day. And get a new house. …A new car. … My fantasies grow. It was still boiling hot outside. In the afternoon, I picked up two big fat men in Yotsuya. They were sweating profusely. My back seat was filled with them, and they seemed very uncomfortable. They each took a bottle of water from their bags and drunk from them. They seemed to be engaged in a competition of drinking water, while saying. “It is hot!” “Yes, hot.” One man said to me, “Please turn the air conditioner to the maximum.” I said, “Sorry Sir, it is already at the maximum.” He said, “Really, it is weak.” I said, “Sorry.” I thought that they were too fat and had better exercise. … Me too … A taxi driver always hides what he really things. They got off in Shibuya, that fare was 740 yen. I shut the door and noticed the two empty bottles on the back seat. Oh my god! My head overheated. It was garbage! I made 46,000 yen. Good night!






