


7月5日 (月)2004 
天気は曇り、湿度は異常に高い。そして気温29度。 それはとても蒸し暑い! 午前に私は生まれたばかりの赤ちゃんを抱いている女姓を乗せた。 赤ちゃんはとてもかわいい。 愛育病院へ行く。赤ちゃんは検診を受けるのだ。 昼ごはんのあとタバコを吸いながら渋谷を流していた。そのとき花束を持ったスーツ姿の男が手を上げる。 彼は「目黒雅叙園まで急いで!結婚式出るんですョ」。私は「わかりました、めでたいですね」。すると彼は「違う!私じゃないです、友達が結婚するんです」。私は思う。君じゃないのは知っている。 夕方、晩飯のあと目黒を流していると、喪服を着た老年の夫婦が私を止めた。彼らは桐ヶ谷斎場まで行く。そこは葬式場である。 誰かが死んだ。 本当にいろんな人が私のタクシーに乗る。 タクシーの仕事は人生の縮図を見ているようだ。 私の売り上げ37,000円。売り上げはいつも縮小している・・・。

July 5th (Mon) 2004
The weather was cloudy and the humidity was very high, the temperature was 29 degrees ℃. It felt muggy. In the morning, I picked up a woman who was holding a new born baby. The baby was very pretty. They went to Aiiku Hospital because the baby was going to get a medical examination. At noon, I was smoking while driving in Shibuya after having eaten lunch. Then a man wearing a suit and holding a bouquet signaled me down. He asked me, “Please go to Meguro Gajyoen in a hurry. I have to attend a wedding ceremony.” I said, “Okay. Congratulations.” He said, “No! it is not me. My friend is getting married.” I thought I know that it is not you. In the evening, I was driving in Meguro after having eaten dinner. An old age couple was wearing morning dress, they hailed my cab. They went to Kirigaya Saijyo, a funeral hall. Someone had died. A real variety of people took my taxi. It seems that taxi business is like a miniature of life. I made 37,000 yen. My sales are always getting smaller.






