


7月3日 (土)2004 
快晴、気温28度。待ちに待った夏が来た。女達は薄着で渋谷の街を歩いていた。私は彼女らを見て喜ぶ。私は思った。ビーチにはビキニの女がたくさんいる・・ビーチに行きたい・・ビキニを見ろよと海が呼んでいる・・。午後、大きなスーツケースを持った30歳位の、ジャージを着た男が私を止めた。彼のスーツケースはトランクに入りそうにない。彼は「スイマセン、これ後ろの席に入れます、いいですか?」。私、「どうぞ」。彼は一生懸命スーツケースを押し込んだ。後ろはスーツケースで一杯になる。彼は私の横に座ると「スイマセン、大橋まで行ってください」。そしてカロリーメイトを食べ始めた。栄養満点のクッキー。私は思う。「ずいぶんデカイスーツケースだ、なにが入っているのだろう?」。私はむしょうに中が何か知りたい・・ついに聞く。「ずいぶん大きなスーツケースですね、なに入っているんですか?」。彼は答える。「ん!あれ自転車入ってます、自分、自転車競技するんですョ!」。私、「本当!すごいですね、どうも・・」。私の疑問は晴れた。目的地に着いた。彼はケースを出そうとするが、なかなか出ない・・「あれ?」・・私は彼のところに行き手伝う・・ついにケースを出した。彼は「ありがとうございます」。私にカロリーメイトを一つくれた。あとで食べた・・まずい・・いや、私には必要だ!私はタクシー選手だ! 売り上げ31,000円。悪い!

July 3rd (Sat) 2004
The weather was fine, and the temperature was 28 degrees ℃. The long awaited Summer has come. Many women were dressed lightly and walking around Shibuya. I saw them and was pleased. I imagined a lot of women wearing bikinis at the beach. I wanted to go to the beach. The sea was calling me so that I could see bikinis. In the afternoon, a man with a big suitcase who was about 30 years old and wearing a jersey hailed my cab. His suitcase seemed not to fit in the trunk. He said, “Excuse me. I will put this case into the back seat. Okay?” I said, “Go ahead.” He shoved the case onto the back seat. My back seat was filled with the case, and he sat on the seat beside me and said, “Excuse me. Please go to Ohashi.” Next he started to eat a Calorie Mate. It is a nutrition cookie. I thought that case was very big. What is in there? I was eager to know. Finally I said, “That’s a big case! What is in it?” He answered, “Yes. A bicycle. I am a cyclist.” I said, “Really. That’s great, thanks.” My doubt was cleared. We arrived at his destination. He tried to take out the case from the back seat, but it didn’t come out. He said, “Oh! No!” Next I went him and helped him. Finally the case came out. He said, “Thanks!” and gave me a piece of Calorie Mate. I ate it after. It was not good. No! I need it because I am taxi athlete. I made 31,000 yen. Bad!






