


6月28日 (月) 2004 
憂鬱な月曜日。空はどんより曇っている。湿度は異常に高い。蒸し暑い、そして憂鬱だ。お昼、私は代々木公園にて車で昼を取る。おにぎり二個、ベーコン、ソーセージ。食べていると誰かの視線を感じる。私は見た。中年の男が私を見ている。そしてこちらにやって来る。お客さんだ! 私はドアを開けた。彼は言う「違う違う!乗らないんだけど、これ食べますか?お腹一杯で食べれないんで・・」。彼はおにぎり二個入ったビニール袋を差し出す。私「えっ!ん?スイマセン」。彼は「どうぞ、運転手さんにあげます」。私「えっ???いいんですか?スイマセン、ありがとうございます」。彼は微笑んで歩いていった。彼はとても親切である。私は袋の中を見た。梅と明太子のおにぎりが手付かずである。私の好物だ!待てよ!もし毒が入っていたら ・・・死ぬ・・・なんで?私? 私は命懸けでおにぎりを食べた・・うっ! うっま〜〜い! 私は昼を食べ終わる。満足だ!食後の一服、ハ〜。腹一杯、キツイ動きたくない・・眠くなる・・きっと睡眠薬がおにぎりに入っていた・・私はシートを倒し横になる・・お休みなさい! 私はおにぎりにやられた・・。約20分後、私はシートから飛び起きた。工事の作業員が窓をノックして叫んでいる。「今、工事始めますから、移動してください!」。私は驚きながら言った。「すいません!」。急いで車を移動する。なんてこった! 本当、憂鬱な月曜日! 売り上げ35,000円。悪い!

June 28th (Mon) 2004
The blue Monday! The weather was dark and cloudy. The humidity was very high. I felt muggy and blue. At noon, I was in Yoyogi Park and ate lunch in the car. My lunch was two rice balls, bacon and sausage. I felt someone looking at me. I saw a middle age man looking at me and he came to me. I thought that he was a client. I opened the door and he said. “No, no! I will not take a ride. Would you like to eat this? I got full stomach.” He handed me two rice balls into a vinyl bag. I said. “Oh! Excuse me.” He said. “Please, this is for you.” I said. “Oh! Really, thank you very much.” He smiled and walked away. He was very kind. I looked inside the bag, and I saw a new Ume and Mentaiko rice balls. I like them very much. Wait! I thought that the rice balls could be poisoned. … In that case I will die. … Why? … I ate them at risk of my life. … U! … Delicious! … I finished lunch and got satisfied. Next I smoked. I was so full that I couldn’t move. I became sleepy. Probably the delicious rice balls contained a sleeping drug. I pulled down the seat and lay down. Good night! … I was damaged by the rice balls. About 20 minutes later I jumped from the seat. Then a constructions worker knocked the window and yelled. “We will begin the construction now. Please move the car!” I was surprised and said. “Sorry!” I moved the car quickly. Oh my god! Really a blue Monday! I made 35,000 yen. Bad!






