


6月25日 (金) 2004 
午前7時30分、いつものように出庫。曇り空。午前8時30分、上野で私は信号待ちをした。若い女がバス停にいる。私はあくびをしたと同時に彼女もあくびをした。一瞬目が合った。私は思う。「眠たい奴がいる」。きっと彼女も同じ事を思っただろう。午前9時30分、雨が降り出す。私は梅雨時期だという事を忘れていた。梅雨に逆戻り。私は三ノ輪で50歳位の女性を乗せた。彼女は浅草まで行く。私は国際通りを走らす。すると三つ先の信号まで全て青信号だ。彼女は言う。「いいタイミングね!こんなの珍しいわ」。私「そうですね」。そして快調に走る。・・・彼女は呟く「かっこいいね・・」。私は思った。彼女は私を見て褒めているのだ・・返事に困る・・が「どうも・・気にしないでください」?・・返事はない・・彼女は再び「なんかカッコいいね、すいすい走るのって!」。私「あっ!そうですね、いいですね」。私は勘違いをしていた。恥ずかしい。夕方若いカップルが渋谷駅近くの歩道にいる。私は彼らを見ている。すると彼らは人前で抱き合い、熱〜〜いキスをした。羨ましい!そのような習慣は昔の日本にはなかった。彼らは恥ずかしくないのだろうか? 日本はめまぐるしく変わっている・・そのうち人々は裸で町を歩くかもしれない・・私はその日が待ち遠しい。売り上げ55,000円。いい! 雨さんありがとう。

June 25th (Fri) 2004
I started to work as usual at 7:30AM. The weather was cloudy. At 8:30AM., I was waiting at a red signal in Ueno. A young woman was at a bus stop. Then she yawned just I yawned, my eyes met her eyes for a moment. I thought, there is a sleepy person, probably, she also considered the same thing. The rain started at 9:30AM. I forgot that it is the rainy season now. I got a middle age woman who was about 50 years old in Minowa. She asked me to go to Asakusa. I started to drive on Kokusai Street, and then it was the green lights were coordinated so I run straight to my destiny non stop. She said. “Good timing! It is very rare.” I said. “Yes” and was driving smoothly. … She mumbled. “Cool.” I thought she complimented me on my appearance. I was troubled by the reply, but I said. “Thank you. Don’t mention it.” … Silent … “How cool and smooth ride.” She said. I said. “Oh! Yes. Very good.” I had misunderstood and my face blushed. In the evening, young couples were at in the sidewalk near Shibuya sta. I was looking at them. Then that they hugged and kissed deeply each other in public. I felt miserable. That custom was not in an old Japan. Don’t they feel any shame? Japan has changed very quickly. I thought that in the near future, people may walk along in town naked. I am eagerly awaiting that day. I made 55,000 yen. Good! Thank you for the rain.






