


6月20日 (日) 2004 
日本列島に台風が近づいている。湿度はとても高い。気温30度。蒸し暑い! 日中、渋谷近辺で営業する。晴天だ。まるで真夏のような日である。東京には台風の影響はまだない。“ハワイ!”ハワイの思い出が浮かんだ。ハワイに行きたい・・とても行きたい・・。気づく。今日は父の日だ! 誰か私にハワイ旅行をくれないか?・・そんなことを考えながら目黒駅のタクシー乗り場で客待ちした。そこに若い女と60歳ぐらいのおばあさんが私のところに来る。私はドアを開ける。すると若い女は言う。「スイマセン、こちらの方、目悪いのですが、五本木まで行ってもらえますか?」 。 私「いいですよ、どうぞ」。乗り込んだのはおばあさん一人だ。そして彼女と私に「スイマセン、ありがとうございます」。若い彼女は他人だ。とても親切である。いい人だ・・好きだ。彼女は私にお客さんを連れてきてくれた。父の日のプレゼント! 私は車を走らせる。おばあさんは私に言う。「スイマセン、白内障の手術受けたんです・・見えないから本当不便だわ」。私は痛々しく聞いた。思う私の目はとてもよく見えるそして健康だ・・・幸せだ・・・。日本語では私のような人を「お目でたい人」と言う?? 今日の売り上げ38,000円。少ない・・気にしない!そうわたしは“OMEDETA MAN!”

June 20th (Sun) 2004
A typhoon has been approaching Japan. The humidity was very high and the temperature was 30 degrees ℃. It felt very muggy. During the day time, I was around Shibuya. The weather was very fine, really it was like a midsummer day. Tokyo was not under the influence of the typhoon yet. Memories of Hawaii came to my mind. I wanted to go to Hawaii very much. And I noticed that today was Father’s Day. I hope that this summer someone will give me a tour to Hawaii. I was thinking that while waiting in a taxi stop of Meguro Sta. Then a young woman and an old woman who was about 60 years old came to me. I opened the door and the young woman said “Excuse me. Her eyes are bad. Please go to Gohongi.” I said “Okay.” The older woman got in the car alone, and said to her and me “Excuse me. Thank you very much.” The young woman was very gentle. I like her. She gave me the client as a present of Father’s Day. I started to drive and the older woman said “Sorry. I underwent an operation for cataracts. I am greatly inconvenienced by not seeing.” I feel fear. I thought my eyes look very good and healthy. I thought that I am a happy person. People like me are called “Medetai” person in Japanese. ? ? I made 38,000 yen. The sales were small. Never mind! But I am a Medetai Man.






