


    6月8日 (火)2004 
早朝、天気は曇り、湿度がとても高い。非常に蒸し暑い。梅雨はもう始まっている。 私はいつものように7時30分に出庫した。日中はいい天気、梅雨晴れである。気温29度。私はお茶のボトルを持った女を新宿で乗せた。彼女は渋谷まで行く。私は渋谷に向かって運転している。彼女はお茶を飲んでいた。突然彼女の携帯電話が鳴る。彼女は咳き込みお茶を噴出した。「スイマセン」彼女は言って、電話に出る。「こんにちは、あと5分位で着きます・・」 再び咳き込む。「違う風邪じゃないの、お茶飲んでむせたの・・わかった・・後で・・」 電話を切るとハンカチで口とそこいら辺を拭きながら私に「ごめんなさい」。私は「大丈夫ですか?気にしないでください」・・私は考えた。彼女は恥ずかしいに違いない。私は話す。「私も、今朝、朝ごはんで、味噌汁が器官に入ってむせました、苦しかったですね。お客さんお茶だからまだいいですよ・・」 彼女「本当?」 私「ええ」・・・何も返ってこない・・・彼女は恥ずかしそうに下を向いている・・・なぜか空気が暗い・・・私は余計なことを言ったようである。 “コミュニケーション” それはとても難しい。 売り上げ41,000円。

June 8th (Tue) 2004
Early morning the weather was cloudy and the humidity was very high. I felt muggy. The rainy season has already started. I started to work as usual at 7:30AM. During the day time, the weather was a sunny interval during the rainy season. The temperature was 29 degrees ℃. I got a woman with a bottle of tea in Shinjuku. She went to Shibuya. I was driving towards Shibuya, and she was drinking the tea. Suddenly her cell phone rang and she soughed and sprayed tea from her mouth. “Sorry” she said and took the phone. “Hello. I will arrive in five minutes.” She had a fit of cough again. “Not cold. The tea went down the wrong way. Okay. By by!” She shut off the phone and said to me. “I’m sorry!” while cleaning her mouth and around the seat with her handkerchief. I said. “Are you OK? Yes I am OK.” I thought that she might be shy. I said. “When I ate breakfast, my Miso-soup went down the wrong way. It was a hard time. You were good with tea.” She said. “Really!?” I said. “Yes!” … Silence …. She looked down shyly. … I felt that she got upset. … Perhaps I defended her with my comment. Communication was very difficult. I made 41,000 yen.






